Everything to Nothing: The Poetry of the Great War, Revolution and the Transformation of Europe by Geert Buelens
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 1.3MB
Overview: The poets’ Great War: violence, revolution and modernism
The First World War changed the map of Europe forever. Empires collapsed, new countries were born, revolutions shocked and inspired the world.
This tumult, sometimes referred to as ‘the literary war’, saw an extraordinary outpouring of writing. The conflict opened up a vista of possibilities and tragedies for poetic exploration, and at the same time poetry was a tool for manipulating the sentiments of the combatant peoples. In Germany alone during the first few months there were over a million poems of propaganda published. We think of war poets as pacifistic protestors, but that view has been created retrospectively. The verse of the time, particularly in the early years of the conflict—in Fernando Pessoa or Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, for example—could find in the violence and technology of modern warfare an awful and exhilarating epiphany.
Genre: Non-Fiction, History
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